Saturday, December 11, 2010

No One Cares Which Shows I Watch.

Today I had the chance to attend a panel discussion with the Creator/Writer and Cast of "Life Unexpected." It broke my heart to listen to Liz Tigelaar discuss how she developed this show, the characters, and story arcs. Then to please her network and try and save her show, she had to compromise, only to have them drop her show in the end. As a writer, I know how vulnerable you are when putting material out there. And then to have a fan base "go to the mattresses" on your behalf is really rewarding. And then the network still says no --devastating.

Now what? Her heart, soul, blood, tears all poured into this show they didn't find worthwhile enough to keep. So now what? Where does a writer find the courage to put their heart out there again? I don't have an answer, the same way I still haven't made a convincing argument to myself on behalf of putting my heart out there again to find love. It feels like everything ends and it's safer to avoid getting involved in the first place. The jury is still out on "Tis better to have loved and lost..." I've lost a lot of shows I loved, including "Life Unexpected," and it seems no one cares when they throw away my friends. Who will commiserate with me on Tuesday nights now? R.I.P. LUX. You've left a void that won't soon be filled.