Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cooking is an obsession, but not a talent I have

I love to cook. I love it so much I decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in culinary arts. Unfortunately, USU cancelled its program two weeks before my decision. At the time I thought it was merely bad luck, but since then have concluded it's the Lord's way of protecting those who would have to pay to eat my creations.

Regardless of this sign or omen, whatever we think it may have been, I still cook a lot. The greatest thing to happen to cooking since Julia Child is the Internet. I can use any number of recipe site, punch in whatever ingredient I have, et voila, a delicious recipe. That is, until I get my hands on it.

Still, I thought I would put together an article about cooking classes offered here in the valley, and some of the recipe sites I use. It's clear by Food Network's growing popularity that people are more and more interested in cooking and creating. For this reason, I wrote Cooking popularity grows in Cache Valley.

If you are one who likes to cook, and wants to improve your ability, then give it a quick read. Lots to do, lots to know here in the valley.

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