Thursday, April 17, 2008

Copy Editing will steal your soul

As a print major, I am required to take copy-editing, but no one told me to check my confidence at the door. That should be in the course description. I thought with my grammar nazi reputation, I would breeze right through, but the red pen all over my graded papers would tell you that didn't happen.

No one told me I would have to write headlines, but all of my writing classes told me my titles were my weakest part. So yeah, let's tackle the wonderful world of writing headlines. (Just as a side note, apparently it's a big no-no to convict someone before they are charged and tried and found guilty.... hmm....someone should have mentioned that before I lost those six points.)

The best thing to come out of the class is an appreciation for the chore it is to format a page of news, catch the grammar mistakes, the AP mistakes, and the stupidity of the writers, and generally make it appealing to the audience. My hat is off to every copy editor. I will never again make fun of you. And I promise your job is safe.

And let me take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Rebecca Bradshaw for every snide remark I made about mistakes in the Statesman. You let very few slip by for the number of words you must check. Well done. Grovel Grovel.

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